PFCC wins Material Award at nano tech 2023
Preferred Computational Chemistry (PFCC) won the Material Award at nano tech 2023, the 22nd annual international nanotechnology exposition and conference held in Tokyo Big Sight between February 1 to February 3.
Preferred Computational Chemistry (PFCC) won the Material Award
PFCC was selected for the award for developing a deep learning-based solution that allows researchers to perform atomistic simulations, which conventionally took several months, in only a few seconds. The award selection committee also recognized PFCC’s achievement in facilitating development of new materials including catalysts and solid electrolytes from the software side.

At nano tech 2023, PFCC’s Rabi Shibata gave a special lecture on materials informatics.
Lecture summary
The growing interest in materials informatics (MI) has recently pushed Japanese companies into launching various MI projects, some of which have made successful achievements. At the same time, however, the resulting influx of MI-related information has caused confusion among those who are willing to get into MI.
In this lecture, PFCC’s Rabi Shibata gave an overview of the current MI landscape and where PFCC’s universal atomistic simulator Matlantis plays it’s role in the industry. He also introduced his own case study to illustrate what motivates materials scientists to take up MI.