HomeNewsPFCC and Mitsubishi Corporation to Grow International Sales of Matlantis Atomistic Simulator under Business-and-Capital Alliance
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PFCC and Mitsubishi Corporation to Grow International Sales of Matlantis Atomistic Simulator under Business-and-Capital Alliance

TOKYO – June 3, 2024 – Preferred Computational Chemistry, Inc. (PFCC) announced today that PFCC and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) have formed a business-and-capital alliance under which PFCC will leverage MC’s global network to strengthen international sales of its cloud-based universal atomistic simulator Matlantis™.

PFCC was established in 2021 as a joint venture between Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) and ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS) to support sales of their co-developed Matlantis simulator. As of April 2024, Matlantis is being used to discover and develop new materials by more than 80 companies and organizations in Japan and other regions. In 2023, work began to expand the simulator’s international reach, and its current clients outside Japan include Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US and Hyundai Motor Company in South Korea.

Going forward, PFCC plans to take advantage of the worldwide reach that MC has achieved through its long business history to grow Matlantis sales and thereby contribute to efforts around the world to identify and develop new materials. With a global network spanning roughly 90 countries and regions, MC is well poised to assist PFCC in achieving that aim, and this new alliance will also strengthen MC’s position in proposing Matlantis as an R&D solution to MC’s business partners and portfolio companies who are engaged in the materials industries.

“By making Matlantis available to global researchers and businesses, PFCC is endeavoring to help create innovative new materials with world-changing potential,” said Daisuke Okanohara, Chief Executive Officer of PFCC. “I’m confident that by joining forces with MC, which boasts both a global network and business-management expertise, PFCC will be able to provide Matlantis to more clients than ever before. We look forward to working with our shareholders to grow international sales of Matlantis, improve its functionality, and make an even greater contribution to new business developments in the field of computational chemistry.”

“Thanks to recent-year advances in AI technologies, the principle of materials informatics (MI) is being applied more widely to research and development,” said Akihiko Satomi, Director of Semiconductor Business Department at Mitsubishi Corporation. “This is particularly evident with respect to high-value-added materials for which there is a constant need for improvements in performance, such as semiconductors, batteries, and catalysts. As a developer and sales agent for the cutting-edge, Matlantis technology, PFCC is keen to elevate a product that was made in Japan into the world’s leading MI tool, and MC is proud to be contributing to that goal through investment, management, and business support. Furthermore, by entering into this alliance with PFCC, MC will be enhancing its commitment to the materials industries through the digitalization of the materials R&D and the decarbonization by developing novel materials.”

About Matlantis

Matlantis is a cloud-based universal atomistic simulator marketed by Preferred Computational Chemistry (PFCC) for computer-based materials discovery and atomic-level elucidation of materials’ properties and phenomena. By combining Preferred Networks (PFN)’s AI technology and computing infrastructure with ENEOS’s chemistry knowledge and expertise, the simulator enables researchers to computationally simulate atomic behaviors of wide categories of materials tens of thousands of times faster than conventional physics simulators. Developed as a core tool for materials informatics, Matlantis is being used to discover new materials for a sustainable future, including catalysts for synthetic fuel, next-generation batteries, exhaust gas catalysts and friction-reducing lubricants.

About Preferred Computational Chemistry

Preferred Computational Chemistry, Inc. (PFCC) was established in June 2021 in Tokyo as a joint venture between Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) and ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS) for sales of Matlantis™, a cloud-based universal atomistic simulator jointly developed by PFN and ENEOS for high-speed materials discovery and development. PFCC’s mission is to accelerate innovation and support companies and organizations to discover innovative materials for a sustainable future.